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Safe size of Skyrim saves before its unplayable


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Hi everyone so i have been very paranoid about how big my save file will get before i cant play it anymore. I have about 50 or so mods (give or take a few) installed. Now the majority of the mods are HD texture replacers. The only scripted mods i can think of at the moment are (im not home at the moment other wise id check) W.A.T.E.R, UFO, enhanced blood textures, deadly dragons and realistic needs and diseases. I also have immersive armors and weapons too. I did have claralux installed but i deleted it because i thought it was the problem.


Now the very first save when you get off the wagon in helgen is about 4.5 mb. My last playthrough i got up to 91 hours and that got up to 20 mb. I check my saves often and they seem go up 1 mb every 5-10 hours. Im worried about bloating. Is this something i should be worried about? I want to play over 100 hours and not worry about corruption. I havr very careful of what i pick up and drop.


Also i have seen people have saves over 33 mb and say they play just fine. And on the flip side have seen people with saves less then 10 mb with over 100 hours. What should i do to make sure i can get the most out of my saves to last?


Thank you for your help!

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I think the bloat happens at 44mb save and starts to screw things up at 40mb


i myself have turned of any auto save, but my saves is around 17mb and have around 180~ich houers played

so no problems for me, but al the auto is pretty much not needed anyway for me,


running with minor texure mods, the biggest is Skyrim Flora Overhaul,

other then that it is many iteam mods,


and sums it up to around 30 mods used

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I have been on other treads with the same problem, but dont remember what we did there, but there are some mods out there like the Possessive Corpse

and mostly mods with scripts are the ones cuasing the save bloats,


try do some searching on Save size, i am doing that atm too



perhaps this tread will enlighten you


http://www.gamefaqs....skyrim/61388127 :thumbsup:




Edit: my saves is at 7.30 - 7.80mb dont know where the 17mb came from,

Edited by Shadiva
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