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Anyone have a clear cut way on how to merge ".esp" files in this program ?






The only way to merge files in Wyre Bash is to create a Bashed Patch, Wyre Bash is very picky about what types of files it will merge so depending on the types of mods you prefer you might not be able to merge very many.


First if your not already using it I HIGHLY suggest using FCOMhelper to set your load order.

1. Because it does a pretty good job.

2. Because it gives comments for many files about what the Bashed TAG should be for that file.

- A Bashed TAG is simply a label that is attached to a files description in Wyre Bash that tells Wyre Bash how to merger the data in that file.



The section below is from my FCOM Install Guide:



Section 7 – Using WyreBash, (Basics)

These steps must be done EVERY SINGLE time you add/remove/ activate/deactivate or change the load order your mods. Otherwise your game might not run properly.


7.1 – Creating a Bashed Patch


1. Adding the Bashed Tags you got from FCOMhelper to the file descriptions in Wrye Bash.


a. Left click on a file then add the Bashed Tag to the file description box on the right side of the screen.


i. Make sure there is some space before and after the Tag.


ii. Don’t forget to select the “Save” button on the bottom right of the screen when you have finished adding the

Bashed Tag.


2. Next highlight ALL of your “esp” files by “left clicking” once on the top one then scrolling down to the bottom and “SHIFT

left clicking” once on the bottom one.


a. Now “right click” anywhere in the highlighted area and select “Mark Levelers” and click “Ok”.


b. Next “right click” anywhere in the highlighted area again and select “Mark Mergable” and click “Ok”.


i. You should notice several filenames turn green, this means that they can be merged in the bashed patch.


Note: For first time users make sure there is a check mark in the box next to EVERY single “esm” and “esp” file listed.


3. Once all of the Bashed Tags have been added and the files have been marked find the file “Bashed Patch, 0.esp” and

right click” it.


a. Select “Rebuild Patch”


b. Look through the options and “check” every box above the “Tweaks” section.


i. Choose what “Tweaks” you would like in those sections.


1. Be sure to “check” the main tweaks category boxes if you “check” one or more options inside them.


2. Tip: You can “right click” on many of the “Tweaks” options in the right hand window to further customize

your selections.


ii. Make sure “Leveled Lists” is “checked”.


c. Click “OK” to build the patch.


d. When everything is done close the window, and “left click” once on the check marks next to the green files.

The check should turn into a “plus sign”, the means that the file is “active” in your bashed patch, but turned “off”

in your load list.


Note: When you open OBMM to start your game you will see a bunch of files on the left side that are “unchecked” this is ok, because these are the files we just put into the bashed patch and deactivated from the load list.



Good luck hope this helps.


If you need to merge other files look into the file TES4Gecko

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