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Hearthfire: Additional Content Wishlist


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I got Hearthfire along with Dawnguard in a recent Steam sale and I really like it. It adds a lot to the game to imagine having this home and family I put together myself waiting for me. Still, I thought there could have been a little more to do, things involving your household or centering around your property. I'm no modder myself, but I thought we could throw some ideas back and forth and maybe one will take an interest.


So far I've come up with:


  • If the player has given their child a real dagger at some point, there's a chance the kid will show up during combat in the overworld. After the fighting is over the child explains that they followed you from home and wanted to help. The player can choose from a range of parental discouragements.
  • The player can catch a thief scoping out their house. He knows the Dragonborn lives there but fails to recognize you, and tries to enlist your aid in sacking your own house.
  • Help your spouse establish trade with local merchants, increasing the available gold in their shops.

What are some other things we could do? It's a good chance to play with the domestic side of being the savior of the mortal world. :P

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"Help your spouse establish trade with local merchants, increasing the available gold in their shops."


Maybe add some sort of market stall outside the house, or something like that? (Small warehouse, small shop outside home, something like that)

So it'd actually look like she/he is keeping some sort of shop.

Also, if there would be small shop outside your home, it'd be possible to make some travelers/merchants/ETC. travel via that shop, so the shop would look like more lively.

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