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Has anyone else noticed the severe lack of high res, cool looking bows? There are plenty of weapon packs with cool looking bows, but they are never really much better than any of the daedric bows. And there are tons of really awesome stand-alone sword mods. Where is the bow love?! There's plenty of inspiration in the video game industry! I mean look at all the Burning Crusade WoW bows. They're awesome. I would be so pumped if someone released a really cool bow! Make it happen people-who-are-more-talented-than-I!!!!!!! I would love you forever and ever!


P.S. - Yes, the TERA weapons mod is awesome... for everything but the bows. Big swords are cool. A big sword makes sense; it will do more damage because it weighs more. A bow is intended to be small and agile. The TERA weapons mod has bows that are as big as swords and it is just way too much for me.

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