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Anyone finished Riven??


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Anyone come across that Myst parody, called Mylk?

I've seen a parody called "Pyst", but not "Mylk".

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Alas, I never went much past Riven... I played a bit of Exile, but never all the way through (I'd only played it on a friend's machine). It was around when that came out that I started drifting out of the genre, and I really didn't pick it back up again until I dug up my old CDs last year going through a bunch of stuff and found Myst and Riven collecting dust along with a bunch of other stuff from back in the '90s. I remember seeing a compilation pack in one of those big box stores a few months ago, but didn't have enough money to buy it at the time... might look it up one of these days. :)
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  • 2 years later...

I played the whole series. Myst, Riven, Exile, End of ages, And the online spin-off Uru. All amazing for their time. Their Uru servers were not up to the task and soon cancelled the online portion. It was briefly reserected in Uru, ages beyond myst, Mist online-Uru live. Then the current version-Myst Online, Uru Live, Again or MOUL. It is free to play and explore, but no active content is added and the code was turned public for anyone to add to it.


It is a series of worlds connected by linking book ports and a home city deep down under the New Mexico desert In a gigantic cave. No shooting, killing, blasting, violence, Just puzzles and scenery. Not popular with the "X" generation.


I have the client and log in occasionally to keep it updated.



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