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Miscellaneous Ideas :)


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Hi everyone. I decided tonight that if Drifa (In Riften) tells me one more time about how her husband Bersi will be the death of her, then I'M going to be the death of her because I can't take it anymore. lol I'd love to see some sort of small mod that takes away that dialog OR at least gives the player the chance to interact wtih her and maybe do some sort of small quest so she'll finally be happy. Or, one that would change her dialogue to something completely different (with or wiithout any voice acting). Also, I'd love to have homes for Brand-Shei and Madesi. I think they live in Beggar's Row now and as much stuff as I've bought from both of them, I'm sure they could now afford houses of their own! The other thing I had in mind is about the beggars. I've posted about them before, so for this post I'll just add that I'd love to be able to give them more money, clothing and other necessities. Until someone makes a homeless shelter mod, I think that this would be a nice way to help them outi---I hate seeing them freezing with hardly any clothes on!


Anyway, just a few ideas for tonight. Thanks for listening as always and I'll be crossing my fingers that one day some good soul will hook me up. ;)

(just as you're probably hoping I'll stop posting and learn the CK already!)



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