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Lord Harkon yellow vampire eyes for Nord character


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Just as simply as the topic title suggest, I want to know if it's possible for a Nord male character to get the Harkon yellow vampiric eyes?

It seems that only the Imperials and Bretons use the same vampire eye texture Harkon.

While if u are playing a Nord, u get the ugly dark red eyes.

I prefer Harkon's eyes, so is there anybody who can help me how to get the yellow glowing eyes to work for a Nord male character?


Oh yes, "showracemenu" command doesn't work.

When I use that command then I can choose the yellow eyes, but when I save the game or exit the game and then reload back, the yellow eyes are gone

and I'm still having the dark red eyes..


Any solution to this "problem"?

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Is your game patched to latest patch, 1.8? Or possibly patch 11?


You should get the glowing yellow eyes as well.

But in case you've already ruined your game with console commands and vampirism, you're doomed.

(Being a vampire and using "Showracemenu" never does any good for your character)


Are you using mods which change vampirism/nords in any way?

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I have Skyrim on Steam so do you have to patch the game manually?

Well the point is, Serana has the same colour of eyes as my Nord character. Also the dark orange colour.

But Harkon has the bright yellow glowing eyes as is shown in the official Dawnguard trailer.


(Harkon's eyes is in the attachment)


I checked the elderscrolls site but the patches doesn't solve the glowing eye problem.

I dont know if its even a problem or a bug because I read more on google about this.

But all I want to know is how I can get the glowing yellow eyes instead of the dark orange ones for my Nord..


Solution would be easy to switch to Imperial but thats the whole point, I dont want to switch to Imperial, I'd rather keep my Nord male :)



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