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Z fighting, texture pop-ins, bad draw distance


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I recently got Skyrim for PC and as soon as I got to Whiterun I noticed horrible flickering in the distant mountains, terrible draw distance on grass and trees (even with the sliders maxed) and weird pop-ins where the game seems to render chunks of landscape/grass/trees all at once right in front of me. I am running mods like Skyrim HD, Sharpshooter's ENB, Flora overhaul etc but I noticed these problems before I installed them. I've used fraps to monitor my frame rate and there are no frame drops at all when any of this happens. I walked from Whiterun to Solitude at a steady 51 FPS, only occasionally dropping to 49 when I turn around or something because Skyrim likes to do that..


I've tried ini tweaks (both raising and lowering LOD parameters) which changed literally nothing. I have tried an LOD mod which also did nothing as far as I can tell.. I have also tried turning off AA + AF and forcing them through CCC, to no avail of course.


Are there any known fixes or temporary solutions for these problems? I've searched the forums but the only solutions people offer are ini tweaks and driver rollbacks which don't seem to work for me. I'm pretty convinced there's nothing wrong with my GPU because it runs the following games absolutely fine: Crysis, Crysis 2 (both modded at running stable at 60+ FPS), Sleeping Dogs and Far Cry 3. It also does fine in stress tests e.g Fur Mark, Heaven etc. I'm not overclocking and my GPU definitely isn't overheating. If anyone can help I will seriously love you forever. Cheers.


System specs

GPU: HD7970 GHz edition

CPU: Core i5-3570k


Edited by tommau5
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