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Skyrim - Inspirational? [SPOILER ALERT]


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The Joy of Skyrim


Some of my recent web encounters have caused me to believe the community of Skyrim has suffered a loss of inspiration. Whether this be because of Bethesda's unimaginative DLC, Hearthfire, or because the good days of Skyrim are simply gone. I, however, do not believe in the loss of the inspiration Skyrim inflicts upon us. Do you remember that first Dragon encounter and how exciting it was? Or maybe when you first encountered a dungeon boss, a Dragon Priest, a huge wild bear or a rabid, rattling Draugr Overlord who would freeze your will with his words? Do you remember those chills that went through your spine as you watched Alduin speaking with Salohknir, waiting for the moment they would act? I, for one, remember this.

Do you not share my opinion when I say that modifications have brought us back that feel of life Skyrim once had? That inspirational beauty. You make Skyrim what you want it to be. It is all in you mind. Be imaginative and creative by immersing yourself in Skyrim, with modifications or without. I hope that some of my stories will cause all of you to find that inspiration again. The following text is one of my Skyrim memories, if modified a bit. :happy:


The Might of Mirmulnir


I was exhausted running to the rendevouz set up by the Jarl's housecarl. It had gone days without sleep, and my mind felt drained and soaked after all that had happened since I escaped Helgen. What was that strange power directed at me when I slayed the Draugr in the crypt? Why had so many problems occured at once? I felt a deep darkness finding its way through my soul. Bad times were to be expected. With the civil war and conflicts surrounding it, all I could hope for was to retain my freedom. Freedom brought me clarity.

There was something strange lurking in the nature, something to beware of. An unexpected tension in nature itself rose up. Helgen had started it. Once I was led to my supposed execution the sky had been clear. When out of Helgen I gazed towards the monster leaving the skies, and noticed how the clouds were agglomerating. A chill cold as the Ghost Sea ran along my back, making me shutter in terror. All for unknown reasons. But as I now stood by the stone, watching the crumbled, burning tower these unknown reasons became clear. I was horrified, not for my cause, but for the striking commotion of the occuring events. I saw something worse than chaos in the, now pitch black, clouds towering up over Bleak Falls Barrow to the south-east. And it seemed the smoke produced by the burning tower accumulated these clouds into one point. A point at which the tension would explode and unleash chaos through Nirn.

My courage was strengthened as Whiterun's small force joined me. Talos guiding us all, we walked with a fake authority towards the tower and stopped as one of our own emerged from the late doorway. Badly injured as he was, he shouted for us to leave as the Dragon was returning. A terrifying, horrific bellowing broke the stretched air as a huge Dragon roared through the mountains of Bleak Falls Barrow, towards us. His raging eyes looked right into mine as he had stationed himself above the tower. Lightning began to fall from the sky. The others were shaking in their armor.

"You are brave. Balaan hokoron. Your defeat brings me honor."



I had seen the face of true evil.




This text may seem a bit surrealistic, yet with great mods giving feel to the event it will perhaps trigger some inspiration.

Please tell us of your Skyrim experiences.


Much appreciated

- InkCrow -


EDIT: Please move this topic to it's correct section, as I posted it without the knowledge of the spoiler prohibition. To anyone who my spoilers might have caused uneasy, I apologize.

Edited by InkCrow
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or because the good days of Skyrim are simply gone


Were you around during Morrowind and Oblivion? Did you know that for both of those games there were mods being released every day right up until the release of the next ES game? In the case of Oblivion I'd bet there were an average of 10 new files every day right up until Skyrim was released. Did you know that some of the most complex mods (also some of the best in my opinion) were being released for Oblivion right as Skyrim was announced? Based on the history of this community so far I think it's absurd to believe that only a year in and the glory days of Skyrim modding is over. I'll wait till TES 6 comes out to call that one.

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or because the good days of Skyrim are simply gone


Were you around during Morrowind and Oblivion? Did you know that for both of those games there were mods being released every day right up until the release of the next ES game? In the case of Oblivion I'd bet there were an average of 10 new files every day right up until Skyrim was released. Did you know that some of the most complex mods (also some of the best in my opinion) were being released for Oblivion right as Skyrim was announced? Based on the history of this community so far I think it's absurd to believe that only a year in and the glory days of Skyrim modding is over. I'll wait till TES 6 comes out to call that one.



If you are a SkyRe user, you are salivating at the prospect of the new version :dance:

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