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Immersive Dragon Eggs


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Hi there, first of all sorry for my bad english.


What a thing that i search for dragon eggs mods and found a total of 0, 0 mods of dragon eggs. come on guys... it is time. So i do not know about scripting or mods but i have an idea for a mod that would work like this:


In dragon lairs, u have a small chance to find a dragon egg, supposed to be heavy, that u can pick it up and wait it to open itself and/or open it with magic, like the mother of dragons used fire, may be the type of magic could decide the result of the price: a little drake (small dragon with even more small wings, unable to fly but can run and split fire/ice as s***) as a companion for 1 lifetime. it would be really strong but, when it dies, dies for ever.


This is the idea i have of a drake: https://runescape.wiki/w/File:Fire_Drake_baby.png


well then, its just an idea, but i would love to see this on skyrim and i just cant believe that there are 0 dragon eggs mods.


thanks 4 reading.

Edited by nithard
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I think the lack of dragon egg mods comes from all the dragons most likely not having a reproduction system

Dragon eggs in Skyrim would be a neat idea, but it won't be immersive in the slightest as your title suggests, as dragons were created at the start of time, not born

There is a dragon egg mod I can think of, but it's an adult mod and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention it here or not


I might take a shot at it, I'll see what I can do : )

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