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Replace Charatcer-Grunts Battle Sound Effects


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Hello... i wanna ask for help,


i recently started my first playthrough of skyrim. I found the motivation to dive into this world after reading a web comic that is based on the elder scrolls world and finding


a character mod thats lets me play as the protagonist of the said web comic.


So... im spending some time to rework this mod a little bit. Like redrawing some texturs here and there and such stuff.


Now i had the idea to replace the battle grunts with some that i think are more fitting for the character.


My quastion is now... how can i do this? I know skyrim uses fuz files for stuff like this because of the mouth-movement. But are those sound effects even fuz files ?


Also i really dont know where the files are located.

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You have to unpack all of Skyrim's .bsa files, then all the sound files for voices are in data/sounds/voices. They should all be .fuz files


Then just like any other mod, go through the unpacked files and replace anything you want do. Then copy the folder you edited into the Skyrim directory, or install it with Mod Organizer or whatever you use.

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