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Guard Head Missing + Showracemenu issue


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Hello all :)


I had two issues I had been beating on over the past few days that have me stumped. The first is the issue where all the Stormcloak Guards are missing their heads. Just the Guards. No other NPC type is this way. I tried removing any or all mods that impact the guards but this didn't solve the issue. I tried moving the mods that impact the guards around in the load list but that didn't seem to help either. At some point I assume I clobbered a vanilla file, or I am missing the obvious.


The second issue is that both the showracemenu console command and the NPC in Riften that charges you to change your face limit you to 2 eye and 3 hair types. Eventhough I have various hair and eye mods loaded. I performed the same set of ideas to fix the issue like the guard's heads without luck. My character was a Vampire then went back to being human through the quest if that makes a difference.


Any ideas to try out are appreciated :)

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Not psychic, so you need to post your load order/mod list.


I was never asking for any one person to be psychic. ;) It was more directed at those who may have seen this behavior. Due to the fact that the impact was localized to one NPC type only. As a rule of thumb, is there a general load order no brainer list? Such as:


Player mods (aka Apachii)

NPC Followers

Armor Mods

Follower Mods (aka EFF or UFO)


Edit: I found this thread with load order advice I will give this a go as well as anything else people have found effective:



I have tried moved these groups around. Obviously with various impact to the world. So I understand the concept of load order issues. However, many here may have had a similar experiences and said "hey, I have seen that and I did X to fix it."

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I was never asking for any one person to be psychic. ;) It was more directed at those who may have seen this behavior. Due to the fact that the impact was localized to one NPC type only.


It's not 'localized' if it's affecting all Stormcloak guards, because there is more than one type of Stormcloak guards (so it's affecting different NPC's). 'Invisible something' generally (but not always) means you are missing mesh and texture files but have the esp records. It could be improper mod installation, or conflicting esp's editing Stormcloaks but the textures or mesh associated with the overriding esp cannot found, or it could something else entirely. Right now it sounds like the culprit is some mod that changes the Stormcloak gears in some way, which we can't confirm without seeing your mod list/load order.


As a rule of thumb, is there a general load order no brainer list? Such as:


Player mods (aka Apachii)

NPC Followers

Armor Mods

Follower Mods (aka EFF or UFO)


Since we have BOSS now, the 'general rule' for load order is to just use BOSS to set your load order for you and create Bash Patch and/or compatibility patches after.

Edited by ripple
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