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Creating Candlelight Enchantment in CK


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I've been toying around with the CK to try and make an armor enchantment that would cause candlelight (or any other spell) to activate under a certain condition (ie. IsInCombat). Getting the conditions to work seems simple enough but I can't seem to get the spell enchantment to actually happen in the first place. I've tried editing LightFFSelf in the CK and associating it with MagicLightLightSpell01, and changing it from constant to Fire and forget after adding it to the enchantment etc. but I can't find anything that works.


If anyone knows how to to set this up in the CK and could explain the steps involved that would be really helpful (Screens of the settings of the files involved would be even better!) Suggestions are also welcome. If you know how to make this in Papyrus and could write a script for it that would also be helpful since I have almost zero experience with it and could use it as a reference for scripts I make in the future.




(On a side note, is it possible to use the condition IsInKillScene for enchantments because when I tried to find it on CK it didn't show up)

Edited by arunsundibob
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