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Why do all armor mods


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Why do all armor mods make it so you have to SMITH the armor yourself,and doesn't include the option to BUY the mod from a shop,or FIND it on a chest ?


I don't know about others,but I don't like the smithing skill. I find it tedious and I prefer not to use it,and I'm not going to make that huge chore to level up my smithing skill to a ridiculous point just so I can try out a mod or too. Of course many will do this kind of chore,and others don't even see it as a chore,but there are players like me who just doesn't like smithing and avoid it. :confused:


It also makes it seem unreal that only you can craft something and it just doesn't exist in the world for anybody else.


In case you are making a clothes/armor mod, please remember to add other options of acquiring the pieces other than smithing them. Skyrim's big problem after all is that it is not balanced in the money department and so the player becomes ultra-rich owning the majority of money in the whole universe,so why don't you make these armors being sold by merchants,so it can also benefit the mentioned problem of balance ?

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Aye, sounds like good, but probably the problem with that is that players usually want whole set of certain armors.

Most of players don't want to download armor mod to find out they need to travel from merchant to merchant until they are able to find it.

( I don't know if it's possible to add whole set to merchant at time. I've never experimented with merchant lists myself)


Anyway, idea is good.

I might use it if I make some more armors :biggrin:

(Or fix existing one :whistling: )

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Most armour compilation mods will edit the leveled lists to distribute the gears to mobs (e.g. 'Immersive Armor'). It does generate conflicts with other mods but merging leveled lists is what a Bash Patch is primarily for. You can delete the recipes from the esp's if you don't want your crafting menu to be cluttered with stuff you will never bother to forge. For unique armour mods, distributing them or placing limited numbers of them in custom containers might not be ideal, as 1) they tend to be unique looking armours and most people probably would not want to see bandits wearing them and 2) people using follower overhaul mods might want more pieces to dress their followers.


With unique looking armour, what I typically do is to edit the esp and remove their distribution via recipes or custom containers (after using console codes to make sure they work in game and I like their look), and make my own plugin to distribute them to named NPC by assigning them to their outfits (Serana wearing the Blood Witch armour, Valencia with the Akasha armour, some bards and stewards wearing the different Regal Assassin armours). It works better that way (for me), but modders typically avoid doing that because that -will- generate conflicts with other mods and a Bashed Patch won't resolve conflicting outfit or NPC records.

Edited by ripple
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