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Question regarding actor models


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I'm trying to get into modding with a relatively simple follower addon, but I've hit a wall. The actor I want to create is a variant upon another model, so creating an entirely new one is of no concern to me. However, I wanted to remove parts from the model, such as an arm. I have absolutely no idea how to do this, and I've tried searching the interwebs for "edit actor model skyrim" and the like.


I'm quite the neophyte with regards to the Creation Kit, so I've naturally had some difficulty ascertaining what capabilities it has, so I do not know if this would fall under a modeling-software's jurisdiction.


If anyone could point me in the right direction, explain to me how such a thing could be done, tell me it can/cannot be done, etc, that would be swell :)

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This isn't something you can do in the CK. I doubt you can do it in Nifskope either. AFAIK you can only delete/move an entire object in a model with Nifskope. I'd assume that a model's arm wouldn't be it's own object. I believe this would require a 3d modeling program like 3DSMax or Blender. I don't actually know anything about skeletons yet and I don't know how removing parts would work with animations. It might break them entirely or it would probably just use them as normal as if your character had an invisible arm.


EDIT: You could probably make a weapon/spell that can be equipped to one hand that is invisible, can't be unequipped, and doesn't do anything. That would restrict you from two-handed weapons and dual wielding in the event that you end up with an invisible arm..

Edited by ChampionOfHircine
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