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[Mod Request] Repopulate clans


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So there's two options for conquest right now, and that's either be spammed by the same lords coming after you over and over, even with mods, or kill them all and have nothing left to fight but bandits and looters. I would like to see clans repopulate their members once they reach a certain threshold. Clans with high influence have higher thresholds, so a clan with 100 influence will only see two or three nobles, but a clan with 1000 will have much more. The repopulation can be slow or fast, based on user settings. It can also be continuous, so a baby born to a noble, for example. I know there's a noble marriage mod but I don't play on beta patch.


This way we can have nobles die in battle or get executed, but still not run out of enemies to fight. It also helps keep things interesting when you run into new faces after so many in-game years.


Also, please make it for stable branch as well as beta. There's a couple of really great mods I can't play because I don't opt into beta and it stinks. Beta has too many problems for me to want to opt in.

Edited by GreatWhiteNanuk
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