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DLC's Crash my game at startup


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Okay, so downloaded HH and when I try to load my game after installing it crashes before it finishes loading my character. I moved the BSA's and ESP out of my data folder then tried loading my game and it worked fine. So I thought maybe it was just that DLC and tried Old World Blues. Unfortunately, that does the exact same thing as Honest Hearts, I click on my character to load and the game crashes at the loading screen. I've tried running the game with no mods at all and that doesn't work. I've tried reinstalling the game, and even validating the cache and that doesn't work either. I'm out of ideas and I'd hate to have wasted my money on two DLC's I can't play.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Make sure the FalloutNV.esm loads before any DLC, you can use many different programs to edit your load order.


Wrye Flash



To find the stuff just use the search function.

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I got it. As it turns out my timescale was set to something other than the default of 30. On a random chance I tried resetting it back to 30 and now both expansions work fine. Figured I'd post it in case someone else is having the same problem as mine. Thanks so much. :)
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