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Sheathed Weapons & Weapon Slots


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Id like to add more immersion to how weapons are handled in skyrim. For example. we should have a leather strapped to our body(for 2h) where in we would use it to place our swords. this may not be true for all 2 handed, this requires creativity on how you would deal with the straps. Also for dual wielded weapons.. it should show when sheathed, there would be 2 weapons sheathed on both sides of the player not only on the left side. thats all.
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theres a mod that puts the 2nd weapon on the other side

so if youre dual wielding and both weapons are sheathed both of them appear on your body

but when you draw your weapons you only draw one and the other appears in your hand


i think its called dual sheath plus shield on back

but searching dspsob should be fine

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