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strange freezes solved by alt-tab


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Hi all, I play Skyrim last patch with many mods, I have a good computer but I encounter freezes always increasing mainly around or inside big cities. The very strange thing is that if I alt-tab and then return to game, freezes disappear completely for about 1 minute (it not depends if I go around or if I stay in the same place) but then they return and it's again really unplayable. When they came, they happen only if i watch around, otherwise the framerate is always 30 fps. It not depends on RAM (remains 1 gb free), it seems as video memory can't delete unused textures (this is my supposition but i don't know) until I do alt-tab. It not depends on mods (but big textures increases the probability of freezes). I also use wrye bash and boss. I tried to change/add every line in inis and also using skyrim configurator but they don't change the situation. They happens also without enb. Starting a new game doesn't resolve.


thanks for reading my topic, I hope someone can explain the reason of my problem ^.^

Edited by mystique47
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a lot of people put the freezes down to large save game files, and this was supposedly fixed with patch 1.4. Pesonally I didnt get the freezes before 1.4 but since 1.8 Im getting them all the time even as you say on new games. Ive made 2 new chars and abandoned 3 others totallying about 100 hours of gameplay. Even with All mods off and on low graphics I get this. They did something to make this happen. I think its some kind of data leak.
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