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7 Days To Die

Creating forge like computer workstation


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Hey guys

Iâm trying to make a forge like computer but instead of smelting material items itâs a data cruncher from modded in flash drives and schematics placed into the input

And instead of wood to run itâll be modded in disposable batteries (would like to make it electrically powered but have a feeling thatâs pretty much impossible ð)


All is going well Iâve changed tools to upgrades, fuel to power with one slot, smelting to data when I come to change what goes into it everything goes haywire


I want to change iron, brass etc to weapon data, armour data, mod data, vehicle data (last two Iâm thinking of and this may change)


So I proceeded to work with one item at a time so as to get it working and making reversal easier


materials xml has weapons as a material

Items xml has weapons as a item


Iâve been Following the files to hint me where to go next, now when I load to test I get a console error that locks me out of controls unless Iâm super quick with the super digger and delete the block before it throws another error


Am I missing something here?

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