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[LE] Changing Movement for Race

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Hi everyone,


Made a new creature with its own race in the CK, namely a Daedroth that uses the werewolf skeleton and animations. Now the problem is that there are several movement types defined in the race tab ( walk, run ,sprint, sneak ), and I'd like to make the Daedroth unable to sprint, instead only walk and run, simply because the animations don't really fit. I tried overriding the movement default for sprinting in the MoveData but it just changes the speed, not the animations.


Does anyone know how to disable sprinting for certain races\npcs?

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In order for an npc to "Not Run" you need to create a 'Race' from scratch.

When i say 'From Scratch' i mean:

- It's 'Behavior Graph'

- It's 'Animations'

- It's 'Skeleton'

While using the vanilla stuff you can not restrict an npc from 'Not Running' or whatever else that it's behavior graph and animations dictates it to.

What you can do is tweak in the 'Race' the 'Movement Data', for example:

- I have a custom race that is a zombie with no ability to run fast or explode, so in it's 'Movement Data' i set the:

Acceleration / Deseleration Rates

- Acceleration Rate = 3.80

- Deceleration Rate = 3.00

- Angular Acceleration RAte = 3.12

- Angular Tolarence = 10.00

Base Movement Defaults

- Walk > DraugrDefault_MT

- Run > DraugrDefault_MT

This makes the npc look like those movie zombies, at least close enough...

* This needs a lot of testing and tweaking to get it right, otherwise you will end up with some wierd results.

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I'm using the werewolf graph and skeleton, creating an entirely new set is a no-no.

Since I'm not worried about the actual speed, just to disable the sprint animation, I had the same idea about over encumbering the creature.


Sadly, it seems that the developers removed the whole encumbrance system for everyone but the player. Npcs cannot be encumbered ( I gave Balgruuf 1000 daedric maces to test this ), and followers only allow trading to the max capacity, and again, same as Balgruuf. Even though there is an "encumbrance" check in the Actor tab, it seems to be broken and actually changes to "protected" sometimes, which is what it actually does.


Or maybe the 95 mods I have installed somehow broke the capacity system for all except the player, though I doubt that's the case.


I might be able to apply the effect via script, but I have no idea what that would entail...

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