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[LE] Help with scripting

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Hi all


I know there is already mods that provide this but I want to make one for myself. I want to turn Cragslane Cavern into a functional pit wolf arena where you can bet on wolf fights. However, I'm not really sure how to script the fighting event and placing the bets. I want to be able to talk the an npc in there and place a bet on either wolf A or B, any help would be immensely appreciated.


I also plan on adding a few quests to let you get involved in the their operation, skooma smuggling, taking out rivals, etc. But one thing at a time.

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I just want to say that the reason nobody has reply is because you are actually asking for someone to make you a mod.

Setting up this requires more than just one script and things become way too complicated to try and explain how to set up a mod like this in a post, there are quite a few different components that needs to come together for this to properly work.

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I've been thinking about it and I was wondering if someone can tell me how close I am.

- Giving the npc two dialogue options, one to bet on a black wolf, one to bet on a grey wolf.

- Each dialogue option triggers an xmarker that enables two wolves who will start fighting each other.

- Depending on the wolf chosen, if the other wolf dies it adds money to the player, if the chosen wolf dies it removes money.

- After the fight the wolves are disabled.

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The best way to understand the process is to study a mod as the link that agerweb provided, or/and others like it since there are different ways to achieve this.

The most common way to do this is through a "Quest" that will manage everything, another way is through a "Quest" + a "Master Controller Script".

In order to start comprehending the setup process (breakdown of the idea) is to learn how "Quest" do/manage things, after that you will be able to do your own unique setup if you wish so.

The breakdown of the idea that you did has some flaws that you can only understand them after you have manage the above.

Start by studying those mods and we are all here if you need us for some more targeted guidance.

Edited by maxarturo
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