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Newbie to FO4, got some modding questions


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Hey guys


Used to be a regular on here when Skyrim modding was my thing and I've recently bought FO4, but have some questions regarding how modding it is different to TES. Anybody who can answer, kudos.


- Can you craft armour ? I see there are armour stations but all I seem to be able to do is strengthen what I pick up off raiders.


- How do clothing / armour mods work. In TES you would download the CBBE mod, boot up your game, and then go and craft it. in FO4 I've installed a couple of vault suit mods but when I got to an armour station, there's no option to craft. Read somewhere that you need to use a 'chemistry' station, so I looked there, again, no option to craft. Where is it ?


- I see a lot of CBBE mods giving instructions that Bodyslide is needed. When I download a CBBE mod, what do I do? Do I have to open bodyslide and manually build it, adjusting the sliders to my own preference ? Or is it just there ready to be crafted in the game ?


- Are there any pointers in the game that say what level you need to be to do a certain quest? Been on several now that are way above my level needing a *&%& of ammo and I've have to reload an old save and give up.


- I remember in TES that there used to be many CBBE variants of armour that was standing in the game. Like CBBE Dragonbone armour etc. There doesn't seem to be this sort of equivalent in FO4, or am I simply not looking hard enough.


- Do you have to clean your mods like you had to in Skyrim ?


- Oh, and lastly, is NMM now a thing of the past ? Do people still use it or is everyone on Vortex ?


Cheers to anyone who has the answers :)



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Many of your questions are related to CBBE. I suggest you start at its mod page and definitely watch the video tutorials by Gopher. They are very informative and easy to follow. Bodyslide usage is also covered. The links are on the description page.

When you download a CBBE compatible outfit, you first go to Bodyslide and build it. Building means conforming the outfit to your favorite body preset(shape) and creating the model in the game's meshes folder. Whether it is craftable or not, depends on how it is made by the mod author. Most of the outfits are made craftable on the chemistry workbench, unless dependent on the workbench from Armor and Weapon Keyword Community Resource(AWKCR). Read the mod's description carefully, and that goes for all kinds of mods, not just the outfits.

There are no pointers for level requirements.

I don't know about cleaning mods in Skyrim. In FO4 you have to take good care of the load order of the plugins. Loose files always take priority over archived files+plugin. Check the pinned topics in the Mod Troubleshooting forums for more information about load order and what tools to use to help you with that.

NMM is around, maintained by the community. Many people, myself included, still use it.

Modding the game can become complicated, you've got to do extra work even to the extent of editing plugins and making patches yourself. What I want to say is that it is not an easy task, so be aware of that.

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