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Geirmund Hall


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So, I killed the last of the trio. It's the boss that conjures up two clones and teleports. I was able to defeat the boss. I delivered the last blow, which triggered a kill cam. But, just when he died, he teleported at the same time and now I have no body to loot off of. Also, the whole quest itself is bugged because the quest pointer literally points to the Daynas Valen guy's corpse. I have two of the amulets, I just need the third now.
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Try to find out the id of the amulets. Try the consol command
help [name of the armulet]

It may show you the id of the armulet. Now type in

player.additem [id of the armulet]

If the quest ist still bugged after adding the armulet try to use this command. Important: You should only activat this quest!. This command teleports you to the next questmarker.


Or you can try this command.

setstage [Quest Id] [status]

This command finish the quest.

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