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Advance AI


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i have been looking for the most advaced ai type mod for skyrim. i have been having trouble to say the least. i should clarify what im asking and give you more information on the mod idea. the main idea to this mod would allow more options to all npcs in the game where you may ask npcs will talk full conversations and also do things and rally, strikes, revolutions, and creating a new area of build through the players eyes as everytime the player goes into the area thats being built, the player can see progress on the town as npc carry logs into the town or stake rocks up to build a tower. as well as all this i would also ask for a more adult theamed ai base as well, such as you engaged a conversation with a npc and they may dislike you or love you and become more flirtashus or just try to burn your house down cuz you ate there sweet roll. i will put bullets bellow stating the changes to simplify the mod addons.

AI based Addon:

  • Building
  • Inteligant talk time for npc
  • lovers talk
  • villans talk
  • new city area build up
  • npc rally/strike ai
  • new war and new revolution
  • add npc dwelmer/ real dwelmer builder
  • dwelmer city
  • new quests adding more ai based life in skyrim
  • more sexual themed ai in your marage
  • underground npc based in areas such as sexual cults, green cults, ai necromancy adding player options to your player as well as the only necromancers that don't want to kill you on sight.

for ferther additions to this add on please contact me or anyone that may take up this mod challenge. also if you wish to make this mod please let me know so i may help you in posible changes or updates.

Edited by irishmoonlight
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