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ldarkwardenl - Formal warning issued

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ldarkwardenl has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Entitled behaviour
Soliciting, offering monetary compensation in exchange for a mod by another author (original author’s permission for redistribution not even clarified)
Aggressively belittling another member’s content


07 April 2020 - 11:57 AM
Update the mod

01 May 2020 - 07:36 PM
Why set it to hidden? Does anyone still have this and is willing to share? DM me!!! I got money lol

02 May 2020 - 09:21 AM
Y u delete vampire knight armor?

05 May 2020 - 07:32 PM

From Nexus Support/Help/Policies and Guidelines

Forum and Commenting Guidelines (excerpt)


Be Civil!
We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along.

Within this community, you are not inherently entitled to another's time, work, or creations. Comments or posts that imply otherwise may be subject to moderation.

Donation Options & Guidelines (excerpt)


Non-Solicitation Rules
Donations in any form are classed as voluntary monetary transactions that yield no gain for the donator. Requesting or offering donations in exchange for any content or service will be considered solicitation and is therefore strictly prohibited. …

Donations should only ever be offered as a way of thanking other users for their contributions to our community:

• Do not offer donations in exchange for files, updates, or assistance.

File Submission Guidelines (excerpt)


Usage and Accreditation
Submissions must conform to the following guidelines:
• Submission of existing user-submitted content without obtaining permission from the original author(s) of said content is strictly prohibited.

This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here

Restrictions in place
As part of the warning, ldarkwardenl has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:

This user cannot download any file for 7 days
This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days
This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future

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