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Collaborative Robot Overhaul


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I like robots, like a lot, in a professional way and a cool Sci-Fi way.


There are ideas I have on what and how to incorporate Fallout's artificial entities into a comprehensive mod, from Automatrons and Synths to Computers and Giddyup Buttercups.


Being honest I could piece together most of the desired features into a mod-list but, at least so far, would not get them and the mods they belong to to play nice together.


There's a dream team of modders I could list for help or permission to use assets but I realise I can't just hope to bring together the people I have come across here myself.

So I thought I would list some of what I would love to see from Robotics in Fallout and see if there are like-minded individuals out there.

I'm willing to gather and compile resources and learn how to do things to help.

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Robot Models;



Sentry Bot.






Synth G2.

Synth G2.



Artificial Intelligence.


-Robot Voices/Personalities;

-Robot Paints/Cosmetics;


Unified and Improved features for named individuals;


To be continued and formatted.

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