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SkyUI just won't work.


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As the title says, I just can't get it working. I am running SE, have SKSE64 installed even says in the game, installing SkyUI on Vortex just doesn't work. I also added combat overhaul and that seems to work, kind of. The roll dodge doesn't work. Back to SkyUI I tried installing it without any other mods still nothing, tried on NMM still nothing, I don't know if it's cursed or something. It does show on Mod tab ingame but with no picture and description. It wouldn't work on my old pc also, maybe I'm just cursed with this mod. Looked everywhere for solution, nothing that would help me. Sorry if I posted this on wrong subforum.

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First time using Skyrim and Vortex today so wen through the same issue. Had all mods installed but the game wasn't picking them up.


You have to download and install https://skse.silverlock.org/. To install simply copy the files to your main skyrim directory


Once done run the skse64_loader.exe and not your SkyrimSE.exe otherwise it wont work.


For convenience, you can set Nexus to run skse64_loader.exe by default.

To do this go to your Dashboard adn you shoudl see a blue icon that says exe with the name "Skyrim Script Extender 64".

Press the 3 dot settings button and click 'Make Primary"


Now it will launch it by default


Hope this helps

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