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Graphic glitch?


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Well yesterday i turned on fallout, and i saw this had happened:






I've played the game for quite some time now and it was the first time i saw this happening.

Im thinking it might be some mod or my ati CCC but im not sure.

Any1 got any idea?

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1) Is this the only game this happens with?

2) Which ATI card are you using & are you using the 8.11 drivers?

3) Any idea what your temps are? System wide, not just what is displayed in the CCC.

4) Do you have anything running in the background, such as a movie that is paused or a website or even a program like WinAMP?


Please give us some more info.



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1) yes it is. and only started happening since last time i turned the game on. after a couple of days without playing it

2) i have an ATI radeon 2600xt with latest drivers (at least thats what windows tells me) but now that u mention it, i did have to install the drivers that came with my graphics card a couple of days ago, because the other one was giving me problems. windows system graphics card driver version: 8.391.0.0, this is the driver i have atm. when i update windows tells me it cant find a newer version for it

3) atm around 10º-20º (says Dualcore) this is CPU temp. graphics card temp i can only see in CCC around 44º atm

4) Im used to running the game with all sorts of things on background. atm i've been playing windowed but i had no problems before, even in full screen (other then the random crashes). this is happening with things on backround and nothing on background, on windowed and on full screen modes.


i already tried to uninstall the last mods i had installed and to disable CCC but im still getting this glitch.

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