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npc AI acting strange


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So I installed a few new mods & only one of them had anything to do directly with any npc's (the ragdoll mod), the others were for textures and climate changes.

After I installed said mod, all the npc's started acting really weird - some hunters didn't attack me,Lydia was just idle most of the time(as in, she doesn't follow me, she doesn't unsheath her weapon), the npc's around town were either running around or just doing nothing and NONE of them talk to me(which they should, obviously), some cinematic dialog is weird, as in, the npc just stands there, looking at me, and he doesn't do anything.

At first it wasn't such a big deal, but I started following the Vampire quest line and I am stuck in that Skooma joint cell and some dude is supposedly to talk to me, but he doesn't, he just stands there and doesn't do anything & I can't progress further.

I have dawnguard, heartfire & the unofficial patches installed, but I don't think they are the problem, since this never happened before.

I also tried uninstalling the ragdoll patch and do a clean save, but it stays the same :(

I would really appreciate any help & thank you in advance, fellow Kins ^^

Edited by hentaishinri
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The Dance of Death

Unlimited Bookslehves

Duel - Combat Realism

Dovahkin Relax

Crossbow Basic Collection

Enhanced Blood

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Heartfires Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch


brawlbug plugin

Hothtropper Armor Compilation

Immersive Weapons

Green Water Fix



Realistic Diseases and Needs

rnd-water patch


rnd-dawnguard patch

rnd-heartfires patch

When Vampires Attack


That's it, that's all of them.

Thank you for the response^^

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