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I need help with the followings, i'm new to modding and i'm really trying hard with all the tutos all over the net and messing around with the creation kit, but this is a community and people should help each other, no? :tongue:


Anyways here are my questions:


1 How to grant automatic perks based on your skill lvl, like overdrow gets an automatic rank each time you reach 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100?


2 How to make a perk where each time you successfully hit a target with a bow or a sword the next attack within 5 seconds will grant you a critical hit or some attack speed?


3 How to make a perk that adds extra dmg against specific Type of npcs/creatures ?


and that's it for now, sry for my english and thanks for your time :wub:

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