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Skyrim Calendar Enhance


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After "Saturalia" mod (Which was awesome!) was released I started searching for other holidays mod.

Sadly, there none so I went to check if are there any Vanilla Skyrim holidays and.... nope, there's none,

The Calendar is Empty of anything unlike Daggerfell, so I came up with this:


Why not Making Skyrim better by adding holidays?

Holidays like Saturalia, Mad Pelagius day, Daedric Summoning days and so on?


So I made a List of the dates and month and everything of the valid Holidays, and now I'm looking for people whose willing to participate.

I'm not a modder nor a scripter, but when it comes to searching stuff like traditions, Regions of the holidays, arranging lists and such, I'm really good at it.


Till now I got about 33 holidays that seems to fit to skyrim.

Although it's a huge project- I think it could be a huge success and bunch-load of endorsements.


Who's with me? :)

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