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Request: Walk toggle switched to VATS button


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Is it possible to change the VATS button to now be the walk toggle? I use a controller when I play on PC and don't use VATS, but I would like to be able to toggle walk, as I would do with CAPS LOCK on PC controls.


Thanks for your consideration.

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When you first start the game, go to settings and on the gamepad you can remap the commands and buttons. I just checked it out. click on the action you want to reassign, an option pops up to let you pick the button you want for that action. If you use the keyboard you can do the same thing.

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thank you. I will check that out. I googled this query a bit, but didn't seem to find this solution.




I just tried this. the options for button reassignment with a controller does not include walk toggle.


The option is there for the keyboard, so I pulled it up with the keyboard first.


Then plugged in the controller and tried to map it to a button, but it says all the buttons are reserved.


I tried to switch vats off to something, but most say reserved. I managed to switch it to the options button.


This switched the menu pull up to the vats button.


So, no success.


Using a ps4 controller btw

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I just checked my xbox controller, walk and sprint are tied to the left joystick. Since that controls forward, back and side movements, it looks like remapping those controls won't work. I do know from my viewpoint the xbox controller is compatible with more plug and play devises. The PS4 is good with Steam but requires more setup for non-Steam games. There may be a work around that I don't know about. Since I posted my answer at a quarter to 4 this morning, my brain tried to over simplify the problem. Sorry it wasn't more help.

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Thank you. I'll check that out. Not sure I know what it means to edit the .txt .... maybe i'll just learn to play with a keyboard and mouse.


And thank you instyne49. I appreciate you trying to figure it out for me. I just wanted to respond in case I was doing it wrong. I've only ever played on console until recently.




You can make this happen by doing the following


go into steam big picture


click on library


click fallout 4


click manage your game


click controller configuration


browse configurations


select one that has bindings like triangle = space, o = tab, etc ...


change the share key to caps lock

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