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Elite Riot Gear helmet texture


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So I decided to retexture the Elite Riot Gear helmet. I found a tutorial, did everything right, started the game - great, everything's fine. Except for one thing. A big white star in a big circle on the left side of my new helmet.
I can play like that, sure, but I also spent the last few days searching for some kind of solution, because I was and actually still AM curious. I've found some mods, but the star still appears in each of them.

So, I need help.
Here's how my texture looks like: http://i.imgur.com/zmkhM.png
And here's how the helmet looks like: http://i.imgur.com/XaE4K.png

Edited by Gigsav
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I'm thinking that the star might be a decal of some sort, rather than part of the texture.


Also, could be that the Elite Riot Helmet has a texture replacement as part of a texture set - I'll go check on that in a moment.


EDIT: Not a texture set/replacer issue. The helmet looks to have its own texture. Hmm. Gonna poke at the bsa some, I think.


EDIT 02: Aaaaaaah.


The star's present in the normal map, too. That's why you're still seeing it.

Edited by Xaranth
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Mmm, you could do a replace job on the normal map. I didn't look too closely at it, but if the actual helmet map from one of the other normal maps matches up with your retex, you could snip the helmet map from the other riot gear and replace the one in the elite.
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Hey, thanks so much!


I did what you suggested and it worked. However, there was quite noticeable difference between both normal maps, so I decided - due to the fact I didn't know what is causing "star appearance" until your post - to edit "nvdlc04riotgearhelmetc_n.dds". I've just saved it again, this time with changed name ("nvdlc04riotgearhelmetD_n.dds") and guess what? Now the star is gone for good!

The other thing is that the helmet isn't glossing anymore, but that's OK.


Once again - thank you very much!

Edited by Gigsav
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If the gloss is gone, the normal map probably got nuked completely somewhere along the line for your modded helmet or texture. If you're doing it as a texture set, re-check the normal map assignment on the texture set. If you're doing it as a replacer, make sure the map you want to use has the right name.
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If I "load" previous, original normal map - gloss and star comes back. But when I use modified normal map, they're both gone.

I'm using GECK and I've noticed that it "remembers" every texture. So when I use XX1.dds or XX1_n.dds once, I can make changes, but if I want to see them - I need to save them as XX2.dds or XX2_n.dds.


Here's how it looks:

Original normal map: http://i.imgur.com/ZGptH.png

Modified: http://i.imgur.com/7uE5X.png

and the only thing "modified" in the second picture is *_n.dds name.

Edited by Gigsav
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Texture set; I'm not replacing anything.

EDIT: Nevermind, it looks like the gloss has somehow come back. I don't really know how, although I've made a few changes in the normal map (e.g. edited an alpha channel).
Anyway, now it's fine. Thanks again.

Edited by Gigsav
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