DanteTheKing Posted May 10, 2020 Share Posted May 10, 2020 (edited) I've recently got back into skyrim again and decided to add some new mods to spice things up but have come across an issue with hide bracers crashing my game. I'm also getting a crash when entering bleak falls and embershard mine.Modlist 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 6 6 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 7 7 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm 8 8 Landscape and Water Fixes.esp254 FE 0 DwemerGatesNoRelock.esl 9 9 FISS.esp254 FE 1 Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim.esl 10 a Unique Flowers & Plants.esp 11 b Campfire.esm 12 c JSwordsD.esm 13 d Vigilant.esm 14 e Wyrmstooth.esp 15 f ApachiiHair.esm 16 10 hdtHighHeel.esm 17 11 DynDOLOD.esm 18 12 SkyUI_SE.esp 19 13 fallentreebridgesSSE.esp 20 14 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp 21 15 Veydosebrom.esp 22 16 Enhanced Landscapes.esp 23 17 SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp 24 18 Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp 25 19 Immersive Movement.esp 26 1a Mortal Enemies.esp 27 1b Obsidian Weathers.esp 28 1c SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 29 1d 360WalkandRunPlus-RunBackwardSpeedAdjust.esp 30 1e 3PCO.esp 31 1f 3R_Attributes.esp 32 20 AH Hotkeys.esp 33 21 AHZmoreHUD.esp 34 22 RelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp 35 23 Distinct Interiors.esp 36 24 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 37 25 Undeath.esp 38 26 Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp 39 27 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 40 28 iNeed.esp 41 29 iNeed - Extended.esp 42 2a Cutting Room Floor.esp 43 2b CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 44 2c JKs Skyrim.esp254 FE 2 Extensive Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Immersive Sounds Patch.esp 45 2d Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp 46 2e Treeswinedave.esp 47 2f MysticismMagic.esp 48 30 Helgen Reborn.esp 49 31 Eli_Breezehome.esp 50 32 Elemental Destruction.esp 51 33 OBIS SE.esp 52 34 Particle Patch for ENB SSE.esp 53 35 Skyrim Bridges.esp 54 36 Weathered Road Signs.esp 55 37 Fort(ified) Dawnguard.esp 56 38 Nordic Ruins of Skyrim.esp 57 39 cliffs.esp 58 3a SpiceOfLife - OrcLStrongholds.esp 59 3b Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 60 3c Darker Interior Ambient Fog.esp 61 3d Realm of Lorkhan - Custom Alternate Start - Choose your own adventure.esp254 FE 3 JK's Dragonsreach.esp 62 3e Immersive Weapons.esp 63 3f Guards_Armor_Replacer.esp 64 40 RBB Long Boats.esp 65 41 Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp 66 42 Dwarfsphere.esp 67 43 Growl - Werebeasts of Skyrim.esp254 FE 4 DBM_GuardsArmorReplacer_Patch.esp 68 44 Morning Fogs SSE.esp 69 45 Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges - All In One - Merged.esp 70 46 RBB Large Boats.esp 71 47 WACCF_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp 72 48 BleakFallsBarrowRevisited.esp 73 49 UstengravRevisited.esp254 FE 5 DBM_HelgenReborn_Patch.esp254 FE 6 JK's The Bannered Mare.esp 74 4a WZOblivionArtifacts.esp 75 4b BAAB_English_MediumDamage_v1_2_5.esp254 FE 7 JK's Arcadia's Cauldron.esp254 FE 8 DBM_OblivionArtifacts_Patch.esp 76 4c Swamp - Poison bloom.esp 77 4d ASIS-Dependency.esp 78 4e AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp 79 4f EmbersHD.esp 80 50 Immersive Patrols II.esp 81 51 RBB Row Boats.esp 82 52 Frostfall.esp254 FE 9 DBM_Vigilant_Patch.esp 83 53 Arcanum.esp 84 54 Morgensterns Mushroom circles.esp254 FE a DBM_AHO_Patch.esp254 FE b DBM_IW_Patch.esp 85 55 Phenderix Magic World.esp 86 56 JK's Riverfall Cottage.esp 87 57 InsanitySorrow Weapons Pack.esp 88 58 TERA Weapons.esp254 FE c JSwords-ImmersiveWeaponsPatch.esp 89 59 AncientTonguesSwords.esp 90 5a Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 91 5b Tools of Kagrenac.esp254 FE d RS_NoPlayerHomes.esp254 FE e DBM_TOK_Patch.esp254 FE f DBM_JKSkyrim_Patch.esp 92 5c Darkend.esp 93 5d Audiobooks of Skyrim.esp 94 5e Bijin_AIO-SV 2018.esp Bijin NPCs.esp Bijin Warmaidens.esp Bijin Wives.esp 95 5f Cosmic Spells.esp254 FE 10 CWICRFSEPatch.esp 96 60 DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 97 61 ElementalDestruction_MortalEnemies_Patch.esp254 FE 11 EnemiesFollowMe.esp 98 62 Enhanced Enemy AI.esp254 FE 12 Growl-MortalEnemies Patch.esp254 FE 13 HD Lods SSE.esp High Level Enemies - Increased Max Resists.esp 99 63 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp100 64 Immersive Movement - Mortal Enemies Patch.esp254 FE 14 JK's Belethor's General Goods.esp254 FE 15 JK's Warmaiden's.esp254 FE 16 Landscape and Water Fixes - Patch - Relighting Skyrim.esp101 65 Legendary Shouts.esp102 66 LorkhanMoonlightGreatswordPack.esp103 67 WardsFunctionalitiesExtended.esp254 FE 17 Mysticism WFE Patch.esp104 68 LostGrimoire.esp105 69 Lustmord Vampire Armor Replacer.esp254 FE 18 Mysticism AOS Patch.esp106 6a UltimateCombat.esp107 6b NoBSAIProjectileDodge.esp254 FE 19 Obsidian Weathers for Vigilant.esp108 6c RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp109 6d TimingIsEverything.esp110 6e Random Encounter Tweaks.esp111 6f ReadingIsGood.esp112 70 Realistic Death Physics - No Animations - Skyrim.esp113 71 Realistic Melee Range.esp114 72 RutahTattooPack SE.esp Serana.esp115 73 SilentHero_AttackDamageSprint.esp116 74 SlowFix.esp254 FE 1a StendarrPaladinArmor.esp117 75 TKDodge.esp118 76 The Wizard Warrior.esp119 77 UltimateCombatSekiro.esp120 78 UltimateDragons.esp Valerica.esp121 79 DBM_wintersun_WritingCraft.esp254 FE 1b Wintersun - USSEP Patch.esp122 7a XPMSE.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp FNIS.esp123 7b DSerCombatGameplayOverhaul.esp124 7c ImprovedDaedricArtifacts.esp254 FE 1c DBM_CRF_Patch.esp125 7d Potions.esp254 FE 1d DBM_AOS_Patch.esp254 FE 1e DBM_ImprovedDaedricArtifacts_Patch.esp254 FE 1f DBM_ISC_Patch.esp254 FE 20 DBM_OBIS_Patch.esp254 FE 21 DBM_Wintersun_Patch.esp254 FE 22 Qw_ISC_CRF Patch.esp254 FE 23 Qw_RelightingSkyrim_CRF Patch.esp126 7e EmbershardMineRevisited.esp127 7f Blacksmith Forge Water Fix SE USSEP.esp254 FE 24 DBM_Undeath_Patch.esp254 FE 25 Cutting Room Floor Enhanced Landscapes Patch.esp254 FE 26 DBM_ImmersiveCollegeofWinterhold_Patch.esp128 80 stonhenge + hilltops.esp254 FE 27 DBM_Enhanced_Landscapes.esp129 81 magic of the magna-ge.esp254 FE 28 JKs The Drunken Huntsman.esp130 82 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp131 83 icebladeofthemonarch.esp132 84 Draugr Upgrades and Improvements.esp254 FE 29 DBM_IceBladeMonarch_Patch.esp254 FE 2a DBM_Wyrmstooth_Patch.esp133 85 Dreamborne Islands.esp134 86 Haem Projects Goblands.esp135 87 Sneak Tools.esp136 88 PaladinArtifactsAndArmor.esp137 89 Coldhaven.esp254 FE 2b DBM_iNeed_Patch.esp Dawnguard&VolkiharArtifactsQuests.esp138 8a Sneak Tools - Embers HD Patch.esp139 8b Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp140 8c Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp141 8d TOK_CWI_Patch.esp254 FE 2c DBM_IA_Patch.esp254 FE 2d DBM_JaysusSwords_Patch.esp142 8e Better Harvesting.esp254 FE 2e Hearthfires Houses Building Fix.esp143 8f DeadlySpellImpacts.esp254 FE 2f Qw_DeadlySpellImpacts_AOS Patch.esp254 FE 30 Qw_DeadlySpellImpacts_ISC Patch.esp254 FE 31 Frost Meshes Patch.esp144 90 DustEffectsSSE.esp145 91 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp146 92 dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp147 93 ISC Enhanced Blood Patch.esp148 94 Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Enhanced Blood Patch.esp149 95 aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp254 FE 32 Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp254 FE 33 Supreme Fog.esp150 96 SteepfallBurrowRevisited.esp254 FE 34 CRF + Bridges Patch.esp151 97 ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp254 FE 35 FleshFX.esp152 98 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp153 99 RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp254 FE 36 Qw_RusticSoulgemsUnsorted_ISC Patch.esp154 9a JS Barenziah SE - Johnskyrim.esp155 9b CC'sEnhancedOreVeinsSSE-HearthfirePatch.esp156 9c GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp157 9d Saeri_AetherialCrown.esp158 9e Runed_Nordic_Weapons.esp159 9f Improved Fire Salts Frost Salts And Glow Dust.esp160 a0 The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp161 a1 Brows.esp162 a2 iActivate.esp163 a3 UIExtensions.esp164 a4 AMatterOfTime.esp165 a5 VWA_VanillaWarpaintsAbsolution.esp166 a6 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp167 a7 FireBurns.esp168 a8 StrangeRunes.esp254 FE 37 DtRS - Apocalypse Patch.esp169 a9 Elemental_Staffs.esp170 aa Apocalypse - More Apocalypse.esp171 ab Apocalypse - Ocato's Recital - Auto Dispel.esp254 FE 38 WardsFunctionalitiesExtended - CuttingRoomFloor Patch.esp254 FE 39 WardsFunctionalitiesExtended - StrangeRunes Patch.esp172 ac 50 More Perk Points.esp173 ad Perk Points at Skill Levels 50-75-100.esp174 ae CROSS_Crucible.esp175 af OBIS SE - Immersive Weapons Patch.esp176 b0 Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Immersive Weapons Patch.esp177 b1 TERAArmorsSSE.esp178 b2 TeraArmorSSE Level List LOOT.esp179 b3 VigilantPaladinLeveledList.esp180 b4 AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp181 b5 Differently Ebony.esp254 FE 3a Enhanced Landscapes Obsidian Weathers Patch.esp254 FE 3b Wintersun - CRF Patch.esp182 b6 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp183 b7 KS Hairdo's.esp184 b8 WetandCold.esp254 FE 3c Combat Gameplay Overhaul - LOTD Patch.esp254 FE 3d Combat Gameplay Overhaul - USEEP Patch.esp254 FE 3e Frostfall Vampire Fix.esp185 b9 LootandDegradation.esp186 ba art_StarsightEyes.esp254 FE 3f GDOS - Glorious Solitude Door - Rotation Fix.esp254 FE 40 GDOS - Splendid Mechanized Dwemer Door.esp187 bb DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp188 bc Critical Hit.esp189 bd RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp RDO - USSEP Patch.esp190 be BFBR_RS_Patch.esp254 FE 41 Occiglacies.esp254 FE 42 GuidingLight.esp254 FE 43 NoGrassias Ultimate.esp191 bf DM&SG.esp254 FE 44 KSHairdosSMP.esp192 c0 RaceMenuHH.esp193 c1 AddItemMenuSE.esp194 c2 SparklesSE.esp195 c3 ElvenChainMail.esp196 c4 Sovereign's Slayer Armor SE.esp254 FE 45 Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp254 FE 46 VHR - Bijin NPCs.esp254 FE 47 VHR - Cutting Room Floor.esp254 FE 48 VHR - ICOW.esp197 c5 VHR - Men of Winter.esp198 c6 Men of Winter.esp199 c7 Men of Winter - Skills&Perks Module.esp254 FE 49 ICOW_MOW_Patch.esp254 FE 4a DBM_MenofWinter_Patch.esp254 FE 4b TeraArmorsSSE LOOT USSEP Patch.esp200 c8 Better Dynamic Snow.esp201 c9 BlendedRoads.esp202 ca S3DRocks.esp203 cb Better Dynamic Ash.esp254 FE 4c ICOW - OAP Patch.esp254 FE 4d BetterDynamicSnow_CRF.esp254 FE 4e BetterDynamicSnow_Darkend.esp254 FE 4f BetterDynamicSnow_JKSkyrim.esp254 FE 50 BetterDynamicSnow_SkyrimBridges.esp254 FE 51 BetterDynamicSnow_Vigilant.esp204 cc Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp254 FE 52 CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp205 cd Elemental Destruction - Ordinator Patch.esp206 ce Forgotten Magic - Ordinator Compatibility Patch - Restoration Tweak.esp207 cf MysticOrdinator.esp254 FE 53 Qw_Ordinator_AOS Patch.esp208 d0 Apocalypse Adjustments - Ordinator.esp209 d1 Ordinator Enchantment Tweaks.esp210 d2 Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp211 d3 ELE_SSE.esp254 FE 54 ELE_SSE_CRF.esp212 d4 ENB Light.esp254 FE 55 Qw_ELE_CRF Patch.esp254 FE 56 Qw_ELE_ICoWinterhold Patch.esp254 FE 57 BFBR_ELE_Patch.esp213 d5 NoGrassINCaves.esp214 d6 RealisticWaterTwo.esp254 FE 58 Qw_ELE_RW2 Patch.esp254 FE 59 JKs Skyrim_RWT_Patch.esp254 FE 5a RealisticWaterTwo - Needs Mod Patch.esp254 FE 5b RealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp215 d7 RWT Lod Fix.esp216 d8 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp217 d9 Atlas Map Markers.esp218 da DynDOLOD.esp219 db Sum_WACCF_Patch.esp220 dc Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp254 FE 5c Immersive Weapons_WACCF_Patch.esp254 FE 5d DBM_WACCF_Patch.esp254 FE 5e Qw_WACCF_ISC Patch.esp254 FE 5f Qw_WACCF_AOS Patch.esp254 FE 60 Combat Gameplay Overhaul - WAACF Patch.esp254 FE 61 Ordinator_WACCF_Patch.esp221 dd WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp222 de WACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension.esp SSEMerged.esp254 FE 62 Qw_ACE_CRF Patch.esp223 df ASIS.esp254 FE 63 Bashed Patch, 0.esp Edited May 10, 2020 by DanteTheKing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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