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Can someone help me with these mods please?


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Ok so i need help with outfit mods temptress of ice and deathbell princess.I install and activate these mods but when i get to the game i dont have the rings needed to wear these outfits what should i do?


Also i found this Scythe of death mode which add two handed skythe to the game and i cant find that eather when i get into the game!?


It says for this mod to work i need to have a versio over 6.38 or something liek that and i have version 10.Iwas wondering if someone maybe know how to get those rings so that i will be able to wear these outfits??


For activation i use NMM.


Pirate - Banned


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to get the rings mentioned in those armor/clothing mods, you need to craft them.

should be under the jewelery section at the forge.


Also I suggest reading the description a little more carefuly next time, as this information is listed there.


I couldnt find a "scythe of death" mod listed, but Id imagine it would be also craftable at the forge or atleast have more information on its mod description page.

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For the scythes you can always writhe in the Console


Help Scythe 4




Help "Scythe of death" 4


and you will be shown the id's of that/those iteams,




Player.additem iteamnumber 1




Player.additem 0a444435 1


nr 1 in the end is for how many you want to add



i hope this will help one of your problems :thumbsup:


happy moding and happy new year!

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Thanks and happy new year to u too.I will try to add scythe since i've added a lot of items.



SkyrimForDaWin:I've red the description few times and heres the link to deathbell princess mod:



I've got items needed to craft these items but when i open forge and go to jewerly section i cant find these rings needed to get the outfit.

Also it gives me some recommended stuff to install and i did that.

Other mods have discription almost the same as fot deathbell princess link that i've added.They have just different pictures and different materials for crafting.

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