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Light Sources WAY too powerful in some places


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I'm not sure what could possibly be causing it, but I would appreciate it if there is a tweak to be added in SkyrimPrefs or otherwise to calm it down:


Certain light sources (candles, torches) in certain places (such as Snow Veil Sanctum, outside the Thalmor Embassy, and outside Lakeview Manor) are absolutely BLINDINGLY bright, and this is with normal settings set to lowest; if I approach Thalmor Embassy or my own Lakeview Manor at night it is as if the area is completely consumed with radiation. Attached is a picture of the first big chamber in Snow Veil Sanctum.




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Since discovering that this was an all-around problem I removed all light-affecting mods I could find... while the effect has been obvious based on what the mod was supposed to do, there is still something telling these random torches/candles/what-have-yous to shine brighter than the sun
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I fixed the lighting issue by deleting the SkyrimPrefs.ini file and starting it up; it auto-detected and I tweaked the settings back to where they were, and will later make sure any changes in the .ini that should be there are there. I guess that a mod I had at some point hard-wired the SkyrimPrefs to be crazy. Thanks for your help, and I may go ahead and keep that Enhanced Lights mod you recommended :) Thank you very much!
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