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New Game: Can't place any more books on shelf


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Whenever I try to start a new game, it gives me a prompt that says, "Can't place any more books on shelf". As I can't get my cursor, I can't click OK.


My other two characters are relatively fine; the only problem I seem to have is if I try to go out into Whiterun, Skyrim exits to the desktop. It doesn't crash, just exits. Part of the reason for me wanting to start a new game is to see if this bug is prevalent in a new game, or is limited to my other character.






I alt-tabbed out of Skyrim when this menu came up (actually, right after I used BOSS to sort my mods and then went to check this post). When I went back to Skyrim, my cursor appeared, but even after clicking "OK" in the box multiple times, it still hasn't worked.


UPDATE #2: Nevermind...just went back. It closed out, oddly enough, and I started the game like normal. Consider this problem solved.

Edited by Tank0123
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