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Dwarven Mage Armor w/ resources


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Hello guys. .. I've been editing this mesh (wip: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1vws4xgoltlq85r/DwarvenArmorSkyrimWIP.rar/file )for some quite time but I cant perfect it , I kinda messed up with the original dwarven armor mesh's shape so it is not a good idea to continue my wip at some point. . the original mod is https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6684 .. . I really want the Dwarven Mage Armor for my character


I want to remake this to not use invisible trick textures. . I've been trying to cut and reedit the mesh but still no luck.. . I tried to get cutted mesh from different armor mods but I still can't deal with the clippings

Edited by CyranGE
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