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Spell Craft


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You know... I hope someday to buy and play Skyrim, hopefully with Hearthfire and Dawnguard DLC's. But one thing I noticed in my time... Or if a friend sends me a copy as a gift~


During the times I play TES Oblivion (And wonder why there isnt a smoother animations Mod) and watch Playthroughs about Skyrim that LP'ers play for their watchers...


I noticed, you can craft a lot of things... but, you Cannot craft spells.


It does not put me off from wanting Skyrim but it was a major disappointment. I liked the fact you couldnt create Godly magical spells, but they had their strategic use. I liked the fact I heard Skyrim lets you craft the weaponry and equipment rather then looting one new teir of gear off a body depending on how high your level. IT would make a really neat addition to be able to craft custom spells. Except, perhaps that you can create Godly magical powers and such, but they cost something rare, something you will only find once per new game. Perhaps a bigger cost then that.


Think of a Magical power to summon a Thrall! However... It perhaps costs a significant portions of your health, Magicka and Stamina by permanently deducting a number Maximum points from it, and in addition to something that belongs to that creature/being but it can only be gotten from something from that species/race that have a significant difference from any of its kind. Say... I could summon a Chicken Thrall, Its strength, duration and such is determined by my conjuration spell as usual. However, crafting the spell wont happen unless I find a special Chicken from that breed. Say there is a Golden chicken that hangs around Parthanaax up near the rift, except it hides out of sight and your only indication of its presence is its clucking. So that means ya have to find & slay it. Only way to craft the spell if ya obtain something from it. Whether it be, maybe a organ, feather, maybe a Golden egg on its person. And then its just a matter of fulfilling the rest of the requirements.


Presto, you can summon a chicken (not sure if it should be a normal one, the Golden variation or be two separate types) Pecks the daylights out of foes.


Course this is just a example and it could be taken a better way thats both Lore friendly, provides to be a Very high challenge with a very high reward and worth taking up quest to find the necessities. Course there might have to be sacrifices or a big price to pay when ya think about it.


This is not limited to just Conjuration since we all know we can do the same for destructive spells, Restoration spells, alteration spells, and Illusion (Unless you want to bring back TES Oblivions schools of magic as well.) so for those who Own TES Oblivion and own the Frostcrag Plugin (Which I love a lot) to craft your own spells, knows the better feel of how it operates, what its strengths, weaknesses and limitations are. I think you'd have to play it with that plugin or see a video to get the feel of things, since I don't think it does it justice to put it into words.


What I can so far tell you is that you can choose a magical effect(S) and you can increase the effectiveness... Radius...and Longevity of the spell. Effectiveness effects...well how powerful it'll be... Radius is giving it a blast radius, Longevity is a no brainer, for spells with a effect that increases the amount of time it persists. You could even select whether it could be casted from a distance, up close or it effects yourself.


I'd always love mixing Regenerate health and strength boost to cast on allies and their nearly unstoppable against a Minotaur.


I ask a request for this so other people can get a start on it. It won't be any soon I may get the try it but I thought I'd offer the suggestion for Mod developers to try their hand at so that others may enjoy.


Heck, I'd like to craft spells that let me be a Vampire Lord or a Werewolf without the influence or association with Hircine or Molag bal xD Its straight to sovengarde for me or you can keep those powers.


And yes this is a request. I'm gonna go back to TES oblivion and watching videos of Skyrim while dreaming of the day I can play it~ Ciao!


EDIT: YES! Someone gifted me Skyrim! I hope to see some form of Spellcraft from anyone someday~ For now I'll just download the game and us the CK kit to see what I can do~

Edited by Huglarh
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