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functional cars to use!!!


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has anyone seen the Ghost from the halo series??


it's like a hover bike/scooter/something... anyways..


a wasteland ghost made from old mr gutsy parts and such would be nice..

it could work sorta like a horse with "saddle bags" or something..

maybe even a mounted gun of some sort.. minigun maybe?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Another thing... What if a house was created with a garage so that way you can enter the garage and then close the garage door (buttons in the car) and well this house will be a normal house, one story with a basement to put your prized guns on display and the garage will have a workbench and a few containers for the cars ammo and fuel (if this thing plans to run on something other than imagination) the car's trunk could also have a fuel container in it with limited fuel that you have to restock yourself. The car could also display a map somewhere inside so you don't have to bother to look at your Pipboy for directions. This entire project needs to be kept alive until the G.E.C.K's release where again I'd love to help out anyway I can, seeing as my new pc will be available soon after X-mas, I gave up trying to fix mine now might as well upgrade so I can be of better use to the modding community.

i like it. btw people are complaining of the rubble in this game and how it would limit the car use but oblivion's horses could jump, so how 'bout hydraulics. ps. i don't mind 50's cars but i'm more of a death racer like in the new movie so i would like to drive a mustang with dual gatlings and a huge armor plate in the back called tombstone wich if the gats fired with the LMB the tombstone would be released with the RMB making the armorplate detach and hit anything behind it adding speed for the weight loss but adding a weak spot: the fuel container wich with a couple of hits would go boom. see the tombstone reference on wiki or youtube and you'll get it

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
While you all are waiting for another breakthrough, i noticed a tiny glitch where if you pull out a ripper and jump on top of a car, and just chainsaw away at the top, the car bumps around and moves a little bit. Not all cars work, and i have had the most succes with the blue thunderbird looking car near the Vault 101 entrance. I got it all the way to the Springvale Gas Station.
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