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Why are not more people using the 'Mod Organizer'?


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I am really curious. Aside from the fact that 1) people might not have heard of it; 2) it might be a pain to migrate to MO, for people who have installed their mods via NMM before they found out about MO. I've been using MO for a month now. It is clearly the 'next step' to mod management.


Mods are kept completely isolated from each other -> no more messy data directory (1)


For me, this is pretty much -the- reason to use MO over NMM. No file is ever 'overwritten', and MO actually displays files that 'override' each other. 'UN-installation' of a mod amounts to unchecking it in the mod installation list. No need to ever repeatedly un/install to test conflicting mods (e.g. different re-textures for same custom body).


So why aren't more people using it, aside from the reasons I listed above?

Edited by ripple
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Craftable Invisible Helmets is one example...if you check the Deadly Dragons box it spits out an angry popup saying you don't have DD installed and selecting this will cause a CTD.


I've installed 200+ mods so far through MO and this is the first mod I ran into that did this kind of check though.

There's ways around it and as I said..1:200 is pretty good odds considering the benefits you get out of MO.

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On my case... as mostly modder them player... Wrye Bash is a "must" use...

But I got a NMM also instaled to test my mods instalations... :P


After all.. I would like to listem the real advantages on Mod Manager instead of what happens in data folder... THATS the big deal!?



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