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Blurred vision from Hypothermia


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Hi there,

In travelling through the high country from High Hrothgar to Riften, I incurred a near-death experience from hypothermia via the hypothermia mod. Being stuck in the middle of nowhere without any prospect of getting warm, the only solution was to (temporarily) disable the Hypothermia mod.

This enable passage to Riften, but, unfortunately there was a cost. My blurry, hypothermic vision did not improve. (Google for similar problem in the Alduin quest.) At first I thought it was game corruption/ graphic card/ glitch, before loading a much older saved game. There, thankfully, the graphics were not blurry.

Not desirous of losing many hours of gameplay, what if the last saved game is run with the Hypothermia mod, then fast travel your character to a very cold place, freeze almost to death, warm up by a fire, and check on the status of the blurry vision? It's all back to clear-as a bell.

Wouldn't it b' nice, instead of all the above, to have a console command "player.dispelalleffects" as one could with player.dispelallspells? Blurred eyesight does not seem to fall under the category of diseases /powers/ abilities or blessings. Maybe time for a rehacking of the old "lt. conditions" : fear/ giddiness /itchiness/ blindness /nausea etc that were an integral feature in the old SSI games.

Edited by lmstearn
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