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Flare gun


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I thought a flare gun would be a good option, not only could you use it as a weapon causing flame damage but you can fire into dark areas for extra lighting almost like throwing lite torches in Oblivion to light your way and also can be used as a means of keeping track of your route.Maybe add different colored flares as well.



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I think that this is a good idea, I think that we first need a darker nights mod. I got the darker nights mod for oblivion and thought the nights where still not dark enough. Since the city is destroyed there would be no light from it so the nights would be very dark. It would also be a good idea to add lights to major buildings (Washington monument, GNR, Citadel, whitehouse, rivet city and megaton) these lights would be visible at long distances, so if you looked at the Washington monument from a long way away you could see points of light and glow from the holes in it.
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Both the flare gun and darker nights sound good to me. I think the whole flare instantly catching someone on fire thing that most games do is pretty silly though.

However, I think having a 10% chance of catching them on fire would be cool, so it could happen, but only very rarely. Also, it could be used to blind enemies (especially if you shot them in the face with it).

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Also NPC's in distress like wasteland vendors could use them when attacked and you could use it as a reference point to their position when you are to far to detect them on your radar.I also like the idea of having a percentage chance of setting enemies on fire as this would make fights more interesting.



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Would it be possible to add the same lighting specs to the flare that the pipboy has, that way when fired a flare could light up an area the same way the pipboy does.Also make it when the flares hit someone use the same animation when hit by a bullet from the Zhu_Rong chinese pistol and make it so there's a random chance of setting on fire as mentioned above.Perhaps have the flare do some damage without the flames but considerably more with the flames.



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Well a flare would do heat damage no matter what (10 cm away they are still kinda hot) and if you hit some on with it it will explode (it's like shooting someone with a firework) that would be an awesome start to the gun just make the gun black (fire engine red stands out too much) so in short if hit by a flare it would do more damage then lighting them on fire and blinding them could work by making their accuracy -200%
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Maybe you could use a bow (Maybe a high tech junk crossbow so that gun animations can be used.) instead, that way you could tie the flare to the arrow and either shoot the arrow into a wall (Like the railway nail thing) or (And this is the fun bit) shoot the arrow into the enemy and if it doesn't kill them, have them run around with an arrow sticking out of them lighting the room for you.
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