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HUD Icon remodeling help


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Hi there


I'm not happy how the vanilla HUD in FO3 looks like so I wanted to change it. I found nice mods, but the problem is that one mod would overwrite the other, so both at the same time wouldn't work. To be precisely: One mod removes NPC and POI Markers, the other changes the Crosshair.

With Photoshop and the NVidia Plugin, I tried to copy/paste the crosshair icon onto the dds File of the 1st mentioned file, but instead of seeing the new crosshair, I see the old one, just black with fragments of the new one.

If I remove the icons for POIs and NPCs on the dds file of the Crosshair and start the game after saving the changes, the HUD parts are displayed on a black background...

I'm quite sure that the settings are wrong once I open the file and save it via the plugin, but trying it with the DDS Converter didn't help, too.


If someone could help me on this, I'd be very thankful^^.

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If you are seeing black backround on your icons, it means the Alpha information (transparency) has been lost.


When you resaved them as DDS, make sure you pick DTX5 (if there are areas of blended transparency) or DXT3 (if there are only areas of 100% opaque and 100% transparent)


This should be an option in your Save settings in Photoshop when you pick DDS as your file format.



The only formats that retain transparency information (alphas) are DDS (DXT3/DXT5) and TGA (32-bit)

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Hi Skree000,


Thanks for your reply. I used to save them with DXT3, now I tried DXT5, but the result looks like this:



If you check the Crosshair, you still see the shadow of the vanilla crosshair as well as fragments of the new one...

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Hmm, when you edit the texure, did you check the Channels tab in photoshop? Sometimes they hide a secondary map in one of the channels. See if theres not a copy or some other version of the texture in one of those channels that you may have missed...


otherwise, it might be another texture also assigned to the hud that you missed and is still visible...

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