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Some new class mods?


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I got some ideas for 2 of them.


Some examples for Priest/Cleric skill sets could be:


Restoration -Mostly recovery/effect healing (something like a full heal would be game breaking), and healing spells should be very costly IMO.

Protection -fire/ice/poison/light shield + maybe a slight armor or evade buff (useful but not game breaking).


Staff defense

Armor (in some games like Baldur's Gate Clerics can use medium/heavy armor)



Also you should be able to put a Cleric on the front row if you take armor. They should have lower mana gains than mages. Health gains wise, they should be somewhere between fighter and rogue. If you are just going to take armor + maces, then you may as well make a fighter. Also only humans can be Priest/Cleric.


Some ideas for Demon:


Dark Magic -similar spells to the other classes as far as usage goes, less damage, but isn't resisted. Maybe a life drain spell at 50 skill?

Curses - opposite of protection listed above, and maybe a damage debuff at 50 skill?


Fire magic




You would have to get reach attack 12 points in assassination, if you want them to attack in the back row with an axe. Its fair because of the extra versatility. I think full axes + assassination might possibly be overpowered offensive wise, if so then maybe ranged or throwing weapons + ice magic to replace them. Also they should have lower mana gains that mages, about equal to priests. Health wise they should be comparable to mages. The added versatility comes at the cost of being squishy. Demon should be a race and a class. Meaning you pick demon as a race, and Demon class is the only one available.

Edited by Beriallord
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