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SEEKING: 6 people with nice personalities, good attitudes, a love of stories,

good imaginations and a yen for adventure!


Navonod Eveer, Eveeren Bright Knight

(Meet me at the Stinking Barfly tavern, P8)




Hi, everyone.

I am starting a new adventure which I wish to limit to a maximum of 6 players besides

myself. This topic will be the adventure itself, and there will be a seperate sign-up topic.

I would like only people who prefer a friendly adventure to sign up, as this will not be

a suitable adventure for those who just want to go crazy and kill. In this adventure all

players will be expected to have a cooperative attitude toward each other and toward

myself as the story-teller. I will guide the story, and have the main quests already

well in mind, but these will not be all revealed at the begining as there are several

quests and some surprises in store. However, I hope each player will be thinking of

interesting incidents and side quests for the story so that I will also have some

surprises. The way that this will work is that the players will PM me with ideas for

additions to the story, and I will give each player guidelines privately to keep their side

quests from breaking the main quests. Each player will be given some control of the

story-line while their side quest is running, but if the side quest is getting to far-fetched

or out-of-context or long, I may interfere to bring the adventure back to a reasonable

state. Expect me to guide the story-line and do not be offended if I do that, even

during your side quest. Accepting any side quests and giving temporary limited control

of the story-line to another player will be done solely at my discression. If I feel that

your side quest builds the story in a positive and interesting manner and will not

overwhelm the main story then I will let you have a go at it. Do not be offended if I

turn you down on an idea, and do not give up, just try again. All players are also

invited to PM me with ideas which they would like to see implemented but they don't

personally want to lead out in, and I will consider adding them.






- First of all, read "Rollplaying Tips and Suggestions" in this forum if you

haven't already. Naturally, all of the rules of this forum will be expected

to be obeyed.


- No cussing or name calling. Period. Language will be clean and polite.

Everyone will play nice or they won't play at all. I reserve the right to

kick anyone out of the game if in my opinion they are being obnoxious.

If you want your character to do something mean or thoughtless or

stupid or selfish in the game, that is allowable. Be aware however that

you must then expect your character to reap the consequences of those

actions without you yourself as the player losing your cool. And if

someone elses character does something which you deem your character

does not like, you must decide how to have your character react without

loosing your own cool. It is NOT ALLOWED to have a running feud between

characters. Such a thing will result in MY character threatening to send

one or more other characters packing, along with their players. And

any player who isn't willing to abide by my decisions will find their

character written out of the adventure, in whatever manner that suits me.


- DEFINE YOUR CHARACTER in the Stinking Barfly tavern so that other

players and onlookers will have some idea what to expect from your

character, and your character will feel more real to them.

No uber characters will be accepted, but each character may have

one or two high abilities. You may also make a character who has little

ability to start with, and I will see to it that your character is officially

"leveled up" as we go, according to what your character does.

You may have your character do anything you want as long as it is

within the stated capabilities of your character. You will, however, have to

accept the consequences of your actions, and if you do foolish things it

will cost you unless someone bails you out. If you take risks to save

someone else though, others may well be inclined to help you.


- I will control the story-line, including all NPCs. All other players will only

be able to control their own characters. There will be exceptions to this

rule when temporary controll of the storyline is handed to another player

who has a good side quest brewing. They will then naturally be able to

have limited control of the story and existing NPCs, and fairly unlimited

control over any NPCs which are added for their quest. If an NPC or player

attacks you, you may of course defend yourself as best you can. You may

also attack NPCs if you feel it is warranted, but though you choose the

attack, I will choose the results. In other words, you may write " Kanlor

swings his silver claymore at the dunmer in a mighty effort to behead him."

but you can't write "Kanlor lops the head off of the dunmer with one mighty

swing." Or you may write "Kanlor rushes forward, wildly laying into the

group of outlaws left and right in an effort to save Sanderre.", but you may

not write "Kanlor rushes forward, hacking all the outlaws into little pieces

with his silver claymore and saving Sanderre from certain death."


- All players will be expected to have their characters be generally

cooperative with one another but this doesn't mean they can't have

personalities or even attitudes. Just be ready to accept the consequences.

This is a group of adventurers of varying backgrounds and abilities

who are personally recruited by Navonod Eveer, and he screened them

according to his own instincts and eliminated any applicants whom he

thought wouldn't work well with the others. So totally mean and selfish

characters are OUT! You may of course have your character be somewhat

less than totally forthcoming if you choose however. Just be aware that

if characters are dishonest, or fight, or are mean that Navonod Eveer will

attempt to mediate and guide and debunk them of their wayward ways.



- everyone should plan on posting to the game at least once a week so

the rest won't have to wait to long. Once a day is recomended. If anyone

doesn't post within a week the story will go on with their character

temporarily controlled by myself or by someone whom I assign. If you

know ahead of time that you are temporarly going to be away from the

game for whatever reason, please let me know so that I can plan, and

you may also give me some guidelines as to how you want your character

to be played in your absence. If you know you will be away from the game

for a long time (more than two months) and you don't wish anyone else to

control your character, please let me know as soon as possible so we can

plan to have your character temporarily leave the party, and how to do it.

And please, if you are not planning to continue playing, have the courtesy

to let me know as soon as possible so that your character can be written

out of the game or taken over by another player. I will allow you some

input on how that would take place if it happens.



- Use this thread ONLY for game-play.


Sign-up should be in the MORE THAN TREASURE - SignUp thread


All feedback including questions, comments, and suggestions should

be in the MORE THAN TREASURE - Comments thread.






The Adventures of Navonod Eveer





Early in the third era of Tamriel, long before the advance of the evil powers of

Dagoth Ur and his minions began to be obvious, and before many had even noticed

that anything unusual was occuring, a Knight Errant of the Eveeren Bright Knights

left his small eastern country of Eveera in search of adventure, possible wealth,

and to seek additional experience and training. Always uppermost in his mind,

treasured with the memories of his dear father and mother, was the code and creed

of the elite order to which he was both born and chosen. This code required that in

all of his doings and thoughts, he always put the needs of others first, and most

particularly that he seek to root out evil, and defend the opressed among those

who were honest, meek and goodhearted.


Although Navonod Eveer had been a member of the Order of the Bright Knights for

some years, and indeed had been chosen for that training at his very birth, the

truth was that there was little evil to fight in his own country, and no one could be

truely said to be oppressed. His own parents, although of noble liniage, had been

very poor, and all his life he had dreamed of changing that for them. That was as

much a part of his decision to travel abroad as his search for evil to fight and wrongs

to right. He had to admit to himself that the idea of adventure played perhaps the

strongest roll however.


He was hoping that some of his friends would share his dream and accompany

him but for various reasons that didn't seem to be coming to pass. Most of

his friends were also poor, and many had gone into various types of business

as apprentices at a young age. One or two had even gone into a life of petty

crime to support themselves. Navonod, having been raised to be totally and

positively honest, was dissappointed that some of his friends had taken the path

of crime. But knowing their circumstances, it helped him to understand that not all

criminals are inherently evil, but some are just desperate or misguided or lacking

in vision.


Navonod knew that there were many gaps in his own knowledge. His parents had

done their best for him, but their life had been somewhat hand-to-mouth and

hardscrabble. Even though he was now a full-fledged Eveeran Bright Knight,

it did little to relieve the position of himself and his parents. The Bright Knights

were expected to lead a life of selflessness and the wage they recieved was

not lucretive, although it was more than most of his friends were making. In the

first decade of his training, much of his salary had gone to pay for training and to

purchase arms and armor. But in the next two decades he had managed to save

a little, and to send some money to help his parents. Now he was fully trained and

ready for some practical experience.


In his studies, he had always been intrigued with Morrowind with its rich and

mysterious history, and in particular by the diversity of people who lived there.

He had found himself especially attracted to the two races which seemed the

closest to nature, the Nords and the Bosmer people. He was also concerned by the

rampant oppression and strife which so often seemed to burst forth in that land,

most of which seemed to be rooted in organised crime controlled by a select few

very wealthy people. Also interesting was the fact that many ruins and lost

treasures were said to exist all over the land. It was thus that he decided to seek

his duty and his fortune in this land.


Navonod had now been in Morrowind for several months, and had quickly realised

that the life of the lone adventurer was likely to be short, no matter how good his

intentions. If he was seeking to destroy evil and to gain riches, most of the

riches were possesed by the evil, and they had no intention of allowing that to

change. Furthermore, most of the oppressed were oppressed by the wicked, and

they had no intention of allowing that to change either. To top it off, evil had

most of the power and most of the weapons and fighters as well. It was with a

troubled sigh that Navonod realized that he needed an army, but did not have

even the beginnings of the means with which to raise one. So he decided that

rather than giving up due to the enormity of the task before him, he would do what

he could by trying to find adventurers of stout heart who would cast in their lot

with him.


Thus it was that Navonod Eveer posted the following notice on the door of a well-

frequented Inn and Alehouse in a fronteer town where adventurous types often

passed through and came to trade.





Wanted: Adventurers willing to take risks for a good cause, and possibly some

fortune as well. Must be willing to take orders and to be reliable. Prefer those with

experience in roughing it and defending themselves, but prefer a good heart even

over that. Courage and willingness to learn and adapt will be necessary. Strength,

agility, swiftness, willpower and intelligence will all be helpfull, as will skill in

communications, business, and security. Apply by introducing yourself to the bar-

tender within and writing your name on the list of applicants. Be sure to state what

skills you have as well as any weaknesses, along with the usual information on

age, race, equiptment, and memberships in any organizations. Also, please give

your place of birth (if known) and birthsign, and a brief description of your

appearance so that I can recognise you.

Navonod Eveer, Eveeran Bright Knight


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