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Anno 1800

Mod Request: Expanded houses


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Hey, i couldn't locate a request page anywhere, so if i missed it please dont hate me, just move my thread or tell me where it is.


anyway, i've been playing alot of anno1800 recently, and well i love it. and recently begun modding the game (not making mods only downloading)

and well i tried to dabble in modding myself but have to give up, its way beyond my limited skills.


what i would love is a simple mod (i assume its simple).


a mod similar to the ones from "spice it up"

which are basically editable text files (xml can be opened with notepad++)

they are easy to tweak and adjust to make the perfect mod for my playstyle.


however the one mod i would love the most is a mod that expands the house capacity, so instead of say 10 farmers for low tier house it could be 20.

a mod already exist that makes that possible, HOWEVER, that mod is outdated and is a well "heavy" mod. It is a merged mod with alot of features, some i dont like. And it will break other mods i use because it replaces a core file.



so in short:


a house mod that expands all houses or atleast makes me able to adjust to whatever amount i want for each house.




the reason for this is that the islands in anno 1800 are very small, and so limits the population greatly.


Huge thanks in advance if someone is interested.

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This is the mod you want - https://www.nexusmods.com/anno1800/mods/15


While it contains a large amount of different mods to boost production and other things, you can literally just use the population mod. You can choose the rate at which population is increased (2x, 3x, 4x etc), and it's also separated into worlds (old world, new world and arctic) so you can have different settings for each world, or only use it in new world etc. One thing to be aware of is that town hall items that add bonus residents or increase max residents won't work.


It hasn't been updated since December but I've just tested only the population mod and it works fine. I also had a lot of the production mods on my last game about a month ago and they all worked too. I play with a huge amount of mods including Spice it Up.

Edited by lethanikvothe
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