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Funkiness with Archmage Robe Replacer (Royal Vamp)


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So, I recently installed a replacer I made for the Archmage robes (the replacer is the royal vampire robe) and sometimes the archmage has these weird texture glitches or something, I don't know what to call them, but they don't occur when the character is wearing the robes, only when the npc is. Has anyone had anything like this happen before? If so, is there a way to fix it? Thanks. Pictures and a download link for the replacer are below.






The Replacer (mod)

Edited by Zooks97
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The pictures are too small. I can't really see what the problem is, other than the fact this looks like a combination of the royal vampire armour with the archmage hood. Can you upload bigger, full size pictures? Can yo be more specific about what you tried to do? Edited by ripple
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