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Setscale or uncap setscale 10?


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Would it be possible to go beyond the limit of setscale 10 on npcs and yourself in skyrim?


I stumbled upon borris the werewolf, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16999 , and it got me wondering if setscale could be pushed beyond 10. If you target borris in game and setscale 10 him, he is bigger then a regular npc setscaled at 10 so I know he was probably "pulled" from the game, uped on size, then imported back into the game to go past the setscale 10 limit.


I'm willing to learn skyrim modding if people think this is possible.

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  • 6 months later...

Would it be possible to go beyond the limit of setscale 10 on npcs and yourself in skyrim?


I stumbled upon borris the werewolf, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16999 , and it got me wondering if setscale could be pushed beyond 10. If you target borris in game and setscale 10 him, he is bigger then a regular npc setscaled at 10 so I know he was probably "pulled" from the game, uped on size, then imported back into the game to go past the setscale 10 limit.


I'm willing to learn skyrim modding if people think this is possible.


setscale 500...

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Hey guys here is a place to start:




I am trying to work out the same thing with the setting setscale past 10


please let me know if you have found out anything, iv'e been trying to work this out since skyrim was released and its stopping me from making the mods i want to make.


what about contacting bethesda would they help with it?


P.s. how people mod games is beyond me.

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  • 1 year later...

I know How you can get oever the size of setscale 10, just download Macromancia 4 , When Applied , Type 'Help Chest 4' In-Game Then Copy The Id of the Last chest you saw so you can get the spells of the add size, Do Tgm for god mode and start to absorb size.

When you get Convert Dragon soul to additional Size in Magic, you can type "Player.Modav Dragonsouls #" then start to get more bigger (Until you Reach the Galaxy lol)

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